
From ActuallyAutistic Wiki
Revision as of 17:28, 4 October 2022 by Vozcoe (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Aromanticism''' refers to the romantic orientation where someone feels little to no romantic attraction towards others; or experiences romantic attraction in a non-normative way. Aromanticism is a spectrum, which means there will be different experiences within the community. It is commonly shortened to as 'aro'. This article contains some autistic people's perspective regarding being aro and autistic:")
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Aromanticism refers to the romantic orientation where someone feels little to no romantic attraction towards others; or experiences romantic attraction in a non-normative way. Aromanticism is a spectrum, which means there will be different experiences within the community. It is commonly shortened to as 'aro'.

This article contains some autistic people's perspective regarding being aro and autistic: