Social power: Difference between revisions

From ActuallyAutistic Wiki
(Created page with "Giving a brief overview of what power is (social & political context), what it can achieve, how power dynamics (e.g. imbalance between individuals) work Preferably using terminology from sociology/social sciences to make it easier for people to google certain topics and concepts if they want a deep dive? Trying to keep it broad and general regarding the concept without too many examples or going into the specifics? Maybe add a section somewhere why autistic people...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 22:22, 22 August 2022

Giving a brief overview of what power is (social & political context), what it can achieve, how power dynamics (e.g. imbalance between individuals) work

Preferably using terminology from sociology/social sciences to make it easier for people to google certain topics and concepts if they want a deep dive?

Trying to keep it broad and general regarding the concept without too many examples or going into the specifics?

Maybe add a section somewhere why autistic people can struggle to intuitively perceive certain power dynamics; maybe linking to Social status somewhere