Late diagnosis

From ActuallyAutistic Wiki
Revision as of 01:53, 24 August 2022 by Fochti (talk | contribs) (Added a brief explanation about late diagnosis at the top of the page)

Many autistic people only realise they're autistic later in life. A late diagnosis, either in the form of a formal diagnosis or self diagnosis, can bring both relief as well as grief.

Some ideas, suggestions, support for those who self assess or are assessed by formal practitioners later in life.

It is confronting to review years of experiences through the lens of an alternate mentality.

The way you were treated by others - sometimes physically and\or mentally abused,

- opportunities not seen or missed, behaviours that others find difficult or confronting.

And also the joy of recognising your unique perspectives on life, nature and the world were indeed just your own.

Please add your insights.